Wednesday, May 19, 2010


we took sawyer to the zoo

for the first time!

i forgot to plug in my camera so
i didn't get to take many pictures.

S in his zoo-animal shirt
all ready to go!

he's a butterfly!
(yes it's girly, but it was that
or the ladybug)

i think the lions were his favorite

they had a giraffe in a room,
and you could watch it from above
through some big windows.
and we were probably
14 feet above the ground
and it was still several feet taller than us!
it passed right by the windows
back and forth
only just on the other side of the glass!
i've never seen one up so closely before!
so enormous!
i couldn't get a picture
through the glass,
but it was so cool!

giant turtle!

we made it all the way around
to the very last tiger cage
before sawyer decided
it was time to go,
but it was a gorgeous day
and aside from the
many school groups we
had to maneuver around,
it was pretty quiet and
so much fun!

these are a few pictures
from the last couple weeks.

rockin' the AC/DC tie onsie.
he's basically a rock star.

we went to OK
for rob's brother's graduation.
had a fun cook-out.
sawyer had fun with his Papa Steve and Nanna.

making his Papa proud sportin' the Baylor attire

he's pretty fly for a white guy ;)
:: notice the bandaid on his leg.
he got shots at his 2 month dr. visit
poor baby!
he only flinched at the first shot,
but by the 3rd he was screaming.
i almost cried a little myself.
but he's so brave,
he was fine by the time
we got to the car!
it was probably the
super hero bandaids.
i wished i could get him
an ice cream or something
for being so good!
i'm sure there will be
plenty of time for that later.

rob is in a 3 week mini-term
taking his very last class ever!
then he will be done with grad school
after 5 years!
i'm so proud of him!
and sawyer and I are
so excited he will be home
with us instead of in waco
all the time and driving so much!
we are going to have the best summer
being together and
having adventures :)

i love my boys!


Nancy said...

Cute pictures!!!!

I love your boys, too.
And you.

Sarah Rogers said...

Caroline Sawyer is probably the cutest little boy ever! He looks like such a happy baby and is so blessed to have you and Rob as parents! I promise I will come to see you guys soon so I can meet your little man! Love you girlie and miss you tons!!!!