i don't think
i have to tell you
how awesome
being a mom is.
i could never have imagined
how much i would love being
sawyer's mommy
and every time i look at him,
my heart melts a little bit.
he is for sure the hugest blessing
and the best thing
that ever happened to rob and me.
we had him dedicated on sunday
which was mother's day which made it
even more special.

my first mother's day
was so special and fun.
sharing it with my own amazing mom
and sister-in-law cassie,
who is such a great mom to
kohen and judah.
me and my boys :)
playing with grammy
eating greek food for my mothers day dinner
i'm so blessed and
oh so happy.
*keep reading*
*another new post below*
This may not sound true, but it IS:
you have one of the cutest babies that ever was.
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