along with

end of summer events,
has kept me too busy
to keep up with this blog!
here's a recap
of some of the goings on!
rob and I had
our 2 year anniversary
we went to a fancy italian dinner
and it was like re-living a tiny part
of our honeymoon.
sawyer is 6 months old!
we celebrated his halfy birthday
with half a party and half a cake

i can't believe how fast he is growing up.
i know everyone says that,
"it goes so fast"
but i guess you can't really
understand that until you're living it
and your little baby grows up
in a flash before your eyes.
but every day is exciting and new
and more fun than i could've imagined!
rob gave me tickets for the circus
for my anniversary gift.
(i love the circus)
so we took sawyer
to his first big top
and had the best time!

that tiger guy was nuts!
i thought he was going to get eaten for sure...

i think we're going to go every year
and make it a new
family tradition!
just a couple pictures i like
of two boys i like :)

pretty much the cutest i've ever seen.
lots more going on,
but that will have to keep
till next time.

What great pictures!
You all are an absolutely PRECIOUS FAMILY!!!!!!!
(Sawyer won in my cutest baby contest.)
How FUN Caroline...I can't believe y'all have been married two years and that Sawyer is already 6 months! He gets cuter by the minute!!! Love that teethless grin! He seems like such a happy baby!
Love you girly!!!
Thanks Nancy, he won in my cutest baby contest too ;)
And thanks Sarah! I know, the time has FLOWN!! I loved that toothless-ness too, but it's over now. He has 2 teeth now!!! We really really need to see each other.. I mean really..
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