Monday, May 12, 2008

i can't imagine this world without Walt Disney

tonight, through a series

of strange conversations and 
whatnot involving a magnadoodle
and some sheep, that would take me
a while to explain, 
Rob mentioned to me
Lambert the Sheepish Lion.

and i had no idea
what he was talking about!
even though i've seen just about
everything Disney ever made,
apparently i missed one!!!
but thanks to youtube,
and my awesome fiance,
i met lambert tonight.
and we are great friends already ;)

so i thought i would share it with you
just incase you've never seen it either!


laura said...

i had never heard of lambert either! it's because rob is old

Nancy said...

That is really cute! And NO - I had never heard of Lambert, either.

caroline said...

oh man, well I feel a little better since neither of you had either! But I'm glad you now know too :)

Anonymous said...

I just noticed that my name, along with only Rob and Julia's, is capitalized in your link list. Hahahaha to everyone else.

Anna Joy said...

caroline!!! how are you doing? its been forever and a day! congratulations on your engagement and upcoming wedding!!!