rob was out of town
for a week, and so
i stayed with my parents
because it makes me nervous
to be alone, being this pregnant.
so i took the opportunity
to get tons of baby stuff done!

i think i got myself
a little in over my head with
this bedding, but it's finally
turning out extremely cute,
if i do say so myself :)
i started with
a pile of fabrics
and some drawings.
i made stencils out of the drawings,
and traced out the animal shapes
cut out hundreds of tiny shapes and pieces
then ironed them onto backing,
my awesome parents stayed up late
and helped me cut out the
hundreds of tiny pieces again.
then i ironed each layer
onto themselves to make the animals,
and then spent 3 days zigzag sewing
over the whole thing,
then sewing them together
to make the crib bumper pads.
they aren't completely finished,
i still have to sew little knots
for the eyes and the strings to tie
them to the crib, but mostly
they're done!!
i put them in the crib for a little test run
so there you go!
i think the little guy
is going to love his bed!
i also made the letters
that are laying in the crib in
those pictures, i just
haven't gotten the hooks
to hang them on the wall yet.
i made them out of
wooden letters that i painted
white on the sides,
and scrapbook paper
i've also gotten the rest of
the furniture put together
he's already got a nice little library going.
(he takes after his daddy that way ;)
i put together the changing table,
and got all his little
blankets and various cloths
(babies come with so many cloths!)
all folded and ready for him,
plus tons of itty bitty diapers in the bins.
so, many late nights,
a whole bag of sonic ice,
and a bowl of pistachios later,
he's got a bed and a room all
ready and waiting for his arrival
in 5 short weeks!
You are so creative!! It looks awesome!! I've done applique like the animals you did and it is so tedious! It looks so great, though!! Not much longer!
I am so impressed!!
You are one of the most creative people I have ever known in my entire life. mm.
I love the colors you have in the nursery, and I agree with Nancy -- you are SO creative with your handiwork!!!
These five weeks are going to go so fast. I'm really excited for Sawyer to make his appearance.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the finished product. So I was thinking.... now that your done.... maybe you could do another set, you know like a good aunt:) heehe JUST KIDDING!! Your job now is to sit with your feet up and eat more pistachios and sonic ice. And sleep- ALOT. I can't believe you are so close!!! I am so excited to meet Sawyer!!!
You are so talented! Our kid's room is going to be pretty sweet.
Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog.
Love you.
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